Shannon Beauclair Shannon Beauclair

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in: 

Kirkland is a true hidden gem on the shores

of Lake Washington, offering the perfect

blend of outdoor fun, cozy hangouts, and

creative spots to explore. Whether you’re a

local wanting a break from your Kirkland

house or apartment to explore some new

places, or a visitor thinking about renting a

home in the area, these recommendations

are a great way to explore the area. There

are so many unique things to do in

Kirkland—it’s easy to see why it’s  hard not to

fall in love with life in this city.

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Guest User Guest User

A Worthy Woman’s Words: GET UNCOMFORTABLE.

This journey I jumped into, is at minimum, a path to self discovery. As my pageant director declared: It’s a competition against my best self. I knew I was vulnerable to unfavorable opinions and that I had to fit myself into a box to represent a brand. And, as I nervously step up to my commitments in crown, I’ve started my refinement. Among other revelations, I am better at letting my anxiety redirect me, speaking even more clearly, and maintaining poise throughout authentic engagements.

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Guest User Guest User

Lauren Defines “Worthy” In her own words

While on your journey of conquest you may not have the epitome of a fairytale you imagined.  You will trip, perhaps not fall.  You will get lost, perhaps not disoriented.  You will become scarred, perhaps not all scars are visible.  You will learn humility, gratitude, and true endurance.  These are the stories for this book of life. 

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Shannon Beauclair Shannon Beauclair

A Different Take on Destination and Women’s Empowerment Photography

Whether you’re celebrating a milestone, launching a brand, or simply wanting portraits that capture the essence of who you are as an empowered woman - destination photography offers endless possibilities. It’s about stepping outside the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary.

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Be Visible! Love your Body! And Other Inspiration from Worthy Woman, Jenn

Hello! My name is Jenn. I was diagnosed with CMI in 2016 at the age of 28. I considered myself grateful for this diagnosis as it provided an explanation for my chronic invisible illnesses. In a way I was relieved because my chemotherapy was in the form of a daily pill. Then if I stayed in remission for 2 years without treatment, I was considered “cured”. I thought to myself this was the best possible prognosis I could receive to be diagnosed with a blood cancer. It is now 2024 and I am still taking oral chemotherapy daily…

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Shannon Beauclair Shannon Beauclair

Urban Pioneer Square Senior Portraits

Senior Portrait sessions for boys can be fashion forward and shot in an editorial style using Seattle downtown and Pioneer Square area as cool backdrop. Natural light senior portraits with an editorial edge making for a modern upscale luxury portrait experience.

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